Intuitive Auto-Diagnostic ECG Systems
All CardioCard devices come with the Advanced CardioCard Computer Software. This software has been developed from the ground up to be easy to use while including more features, security, and customizability than any other ECG System on the market today.
This interface and its features allow for certified ECG Technicians to quickly and easily setup and run ECG Tests. If it’s a new system in an office, our user manuals and live online support allow for ease of use in the individual formatting of ECG Tests. From interface controls, your logo on the report, higher gain on the ECG waves, and the sensitivity of the Auto Diagnosis Feature, Nasiff CardioCard ECG Systems offer some of the most powerful tools available to Cardiologists.
With the same software controlling Resting, Stress, Holter, and Blood Pressure testing, there is only one piece of software to become familiar with. On average, it is reported that it takes only 5-10 hours of use to become decently proficient at using the Advanced Nasiff CardioCard ECG Software. With an Advanced Editor also available for Holter ECG Reports, the CardioCard hardware and software has become popular in Mobile Medical Centers, and doctors who do the remote over-reading of Holter ECG Reports.
All Nasiff Brand Systems are able to detect many Heart Signal Abnormalities, including: Branch Blockages, Conduction Delays, Fascicular Blockages, Ventricle Hypertrophy, Myocardial Infarctions, Ischemias, Axis Deviations, Acute Pericarditis, Septal Injury, Junctional Depressions, Biatrial Enlargements, Prolonged Wave Fusions, Arrythmias, and Multiple Degrees of Blockages.
The complex math needed to detect these abnormalities was an early addition to Dr. Nasiff’s CardioCard Systems, and one of the major reasons he developed the world’s first Computer Based ECG System. Only modern computer systems and their architectural computing capabilities were able to run the type of complex math required to detect abnormalities in heart rhythm over a graph in real time.
It is still required for a Human Cardiologist to over-read an ECG Report for the Diagnosis to be Official, but the software itself assists in that second opinion, and is a guide to what to look for in an EKG report. This real-time software technology assists specifically in the diagnosis of those suffering from Heart Attack, as it is required for a doctor to know what part of the heart is failing, before the right measures can be taken to save the human life they have in their hands.
Research Nasiff Auto-Diagnostic ECG Systems at: NASIFF.COM