Better Connect with Your Patients
One story I can tell of an ambulatory experience, is that of one friend who had suffered a leg injury. He had broken his leg during a snow boarding accident, which is a pretty traumatic thing to happen. Once at the Hospital he kept complaining that they could not do any vitals testing on him for over 10 minutes. The mobile vitals machine they had would not turn on or connect, though they kept trying for the entirety of the ride.
We have to be thankful for the Hero’s that are EMT’s, but if you ask me, it is completely unacceptable in the professional health care industry, to be using barely functional equipment. That friend had told me this because he knows I work for a manufacturer of vitals systems, vitals systems that are another world better than what ever system that ambulance company had equipped their vehicles with.
Nasiff CardioVitals Systems by default are USB Connected, paired with a fast laptop, boot up and connection takes a trained individual less that 30 seconds to begin. Allowing for immediate Vitals Testing upon arrival of any scene, if the team has prepared their equipment in at least that time before arrival.
The same improvement in computer cardiology systems can be said for the rest of the Nasiff CardioCard ECG Line. Every System has no boot up time, only needing the connected computer system to be loaded. This allows for performance to be controlled by the chosen computer system, not bottlenecked by cheap silicon found in many other ECG and Vitals Systems.
This story and observation also means though, to follow Recommended Computer Specifications to go with your Vitals or ECG System. The computer paired with any diagnostic system is a crucial factor in performance for any of these cardio-diagnostic setups.
One difference Nasiff CardioCard Systems also make in the Vitals System Industry, is that every Vitals System has a 12-Lead ECG System installed. This is included because the processor inside is already capable of running these tests, only needing onboard software and the Cable Connector. At no increased cost, all Nasiff CardioVitals Systems are capable of running Resting EKG Tests. Stress ECG Testing is also available to be performed on these systems, though upgraded Nasiff computer software is required to do so.
Research these Systems on the Nasiff Website. NASIFF.COM CARDIOVITALS SYSTEM