Product Specials & Offer Conditions

  • Offers available between advertised date
  • Promotion available through participating distributors
  • Offers cannot be combined with any other offer
  • ​Offers available in the USA only
  • Treadmills, laptops, computers, printers, and carts are sold separately
  • Third-party products have their own manufacturer's warranty

To Contact Support:

Please call +1 (315)-676-2346 between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EST.
​Our meeting hours are 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EST.
If you are contacting us after these hours, please

and we will schedule a time to take care of your needs as quickly as we can.

Thank you for your interest in Nasiff CardioCard® products.

Veteran Owned Small Business

FDA Clearance
Veteran Owned
Made in the USA
Helping Doctors save lives since 1989

Department of Veterans Affairs