A Greater Computer ECG System
When compared to similar technologies on the market, Nasiff CardioCard ECG Systems are much improved in the ways of performance, accuracy, test options, security and much more. These to us are factors we have continuously improved upon. Identifying the major sectors of our technologies by either time on research, or from doctors requesting features to be added to our hardware and software.
This attention to detail has allowed Nasiff ECG Tech to be greatly improved year to year. These improvements can be found in the better accuracy of auto diagnostics, more security options, quicker test acquisition, a better looking interface, and easier use of the hardware, software, and ECG Interpretations.
Nasiff Systems are often recommended and chosen as the better choice in computer cardiology systems. With the field experience necessary for a leading cardio-diagnostic technology, Nasiff Systems are a highly supported technology, with more than all the features requested by American and Global Cardiologists and Cardiology Specialists.
With options like wireless connection capabilities, vital testing onboard, and even cost-saving options that do not lack in performance, the Nasiff CardioCard Systems cannot be beat by quality or often by price. Even all-in-one systems are not ready to perform tests in the same amount of time, making the Nasiff CardioCard ECG Technology one of the most advanced and best to use.
With no extra charge required to connect to a Hospital or Health Care Centers EMR System, the Nasiff Brand of Device all come with built-in EMR Capability. With experience of other brands requiring large payments to just be able to connect to an EMR, some not being capable at all, and some centers using a mix of diagnostic systems that have a mixture of both problems, Nasiff CardioCard ECG Devices are the best choice in capability, support, and quality of procedures.
Intuitive enough for anyone to sit down and test a device’s setup functionality, any individual with an EKG Technician Certification is able to quickly and easily run Resting and Stress ECG Tests. Nasiff Technical Support even offers first time setup assistance in initial use, software and hardware installation, and treadmill testing and functionality. Even though running ECG Tests is an educated position, Nasiff Associates aims to make it easy to run dozens of Resting and Stress EKG tests a day, in the pursuit of the greater prevention and diagnosis of Heart Disease, the largest killer in the United States.
Discover Greater Cardio-Diagnostic Technology on the Nasiff website. NASIFF.COM