High Security & Data Protection
An observation made by the Nasiff Development team, is that other Medical Manufacturers offer little to often no security on their hardware and software. The Nasiff CardioCard ECG Technology on the other hand, has multiple levels of security. From Facility Level Security, Individual Authenticated User Security, and 3RD Party Single Sign on Authentication for Branch Hospitals and Health Care Centers.
Advanced Nasiff Medical Security allows for all Patient Data to be nearly irretrievable unless accounts are left unlocked or passwords are not kept securely. Digitally Printed Tests are stored in common readable formats, but are able to be secured by multiple levels of security.
In addition to other software and test based securities, all Built-In EMR Connectivity is included by default, and is performed over a secure encrypted connection every single time. This makes it nearly impossible for information to be stolen by hackers or anyone else with malicious intent.
Ask your IT Department or a Professional IT Team on how to secure your facility or department outside of the Nasiff ECG Technology. We understand how important it is to keep patient information safe and out of the wrong hands. It is our will for your patient and facility data to be protected.
The Nasiff Team is available to answer any questions about our hardware and software Security Features. We believe it makes a major difference to keep information safe in a world where most technology manufacturers still do not offer much security for their devices at all.
Learn more about Nasiff Medical Technologies on our Website.
And feel free to contact us with any question you have on our devices.