How Computer ECG Systems Save Lives
Computer ECG Systems bring a few advancements to the cardio-diagnostic industry. One is ease of use, and the other is the computing power available to the software system. With math running on more powerful computer systems, and not just on-board microprocessors, more advanced math and code can be implemented. This advanced math is commonly used in the precise auto-detection of heart rhythm abnormalities. Pair Computer ECG software with a Full 12-Lead ECG Test, Test, and a doctor can locate exactly what section of a human heart may be failing.
From arrhythmias to blockages and hypertrophy, hundreds of thousands of tests have been compared to identify what signal abnormalities define different heart diseases and injury. Advancing the precision of these systems means that heart diseases and injuries can be identified earlier in time, improving the prevention of heart disease and decreasing its lethality among all of those with access to screening.
In development now for 35+ years, Nasiff Associates, Inc. is the first medical device manufacturing company to design a computer-based ECG System. Publishing their creation as the world’s first PC Based ECG System, and designing similar systems for other developers, Dr. Nasiff shared his work with the rest of the world. Recommending the use of his Computer ECG Systems, and more frequent regular screenings for heart disease in all patients, not just those already known to be at risk for heart disease.
With no support of the U.S. Patent service, this technology was able to be copied by other unlicensed companies into lower performing systems, starting a fight for quality within the industry. There is pride in the quality Nasiff produces, and also a motivation to share that only high performing equipment should be implemented in the professional healthcare industry.
Since their first development of PC Based ECG Systems, Nasiff has designed Resting, Stress, and Holter Test variants, allowing for health care systems to be standardized into one technology and software. ECG with Blood Pressure Systems have also been developed to improve the time to start testing in Ambulances, Emergency Rooms, Urgent Care Centers, Doctors’ offices, and Health Care Centers.
These New Computer Based ECG with Blood Pressure Systems allow for the quicker testing of patients in high stress situations, and for better automatic data analysis and upload in all other environments. These improvements are drastic, even in my own experience in health care. Having high-performing high-tech systems that are directly supported by their manufacturers is truly something special in the industry.
Powered by one Software as the Center for Testing, Over-read, analysis, diagnosis and editing. There is only one piece of software to learn with the Collection of Nasiff Diagnostic Systems. With an expandable 2 Years of free updates included with every system, doctors can always have the newest technology available at their fingertips. Making doctors just one call away from receiving the latest in auto-diagnostic algorithms.
Learn more about the Nasiff Developed Diagnostic Technologies on their Website:
Save More Lives with More Powerful Computer ECG Systems, Nasiff Associates, Inc.