Mobile ECG and Vitals Technology
Nasiff Brand CardioCard ECG Systems are available to run on both Apple iPad’s and Android Tablets. This functionality allows for the easy mobile use of ECG Systems. Often used by Mobile-Diagnostic Centers, Equipped Vehicles visit assisted living sites to offer advanced diagnostics of residents at those facilities.
This technology allows for a wider reach of patients and greater access to cardio-diagnostics, enabling the greater prevention of heart disease, and the diagnosis of cardiovascular conditions. These heart conditions need to be found quickly in order to save lives, and prevent even stroke in the pursuit of longer and healthier life expectations.
Mobile ECG and Vitals Technology was developed in order to continue the betterment of cardiovascular diagnosis. Heart Disease remains the #1 Killer Globally, and it is up to Doctors and the developer of cardio-diagnostic technologies to make better the human experience and decrease suffering.
Nasiff, the leading manufacturer of Computer and Mobile Diagnostics, produce some of the very best ECG Technologies on the market. Research the Nasiff website and Send the Team a Message to find out how CardioCard Systems could improve your Health Care Center.