

1) Clicking "File" then "Open Database" provides a list of patients in the current database

2) Double click on any patient name and a list of tests "runs" comes up by date and type (for example: "rest12", "stress", "holter")

3) Double click on the run you want bring up to the screen. You are now in the database and all database functions are available

Note: after storing any test (for example: "rest12", "stress", "holter"), that test will appear on the screen

Generally Available Operations

1) Clicking the "Printer" icon displays and prints reports to the default printer. (by selecting "file" on the top menu bar, any printer can be selected for printing)

2) Clicking the "Demographics/Chart" button displays detailed patient information and provides entry into the Cardio
EMR Chart program

3) Clicking the "Comments" button allows the inputting of unlimited notes, comments, diagnoses, etc (copy and paste from other programs is permitted in this area, also)

4) Measurement "cursors" are available providing wave measuring capability. (for example: amplitudes, durations, r-r values, etc) To activate or deactivate click "Options" then "Measure Cursor on/off". Cursor navigation is accomplished by using the "arrow", "page up" and "page down" keys. Mark cursor start point by clicking "Options" then "Mark Cursor Start Point"

Actual Reported Code/Statement Meanings:

The program takes as input the standard output of the CardioCardâ„¢ measurements program and outputs
the codes in a character string to be read as is.

On the ECG report and screen the following statement is made: "No automated analysis is completely
reliable and a physician should over read the results."