The Leading Causes of Death in the United States
A conversation we believe to have in the Medical Industry is, what diseases are the most dangerous, what diseases cause the most pain, suffering, and death. From that information a scientist would decide what is most important to put focus onto, and what can be done in prevention and early diagnosis of these diseases in attempt to save the sufferers lives from these diseases.
In the United States, 700,000 people die to Heart Disease, 500,000 die to Cancer, 500,000 died to COVID in 2019, 200,000 died to COVID in 2022, Preventable Injuries such as falls kill 210,000 a year, Respiratory Diseases kill 150,000 a year, and Drug Over-Doses kill 110,000 a year. Compare those numbers to the more widely spoken 20,000 lives taken by Car Accidents on average every year in the United States.
All causes stated are tragic, and some suffer from those afflictions more than others, but so far the media volume has not matched the sheer amount of pain suffering and death caused by these diseases. It is important as educated individuals, especially those who have a voice, to know of and speak of these sufferings. The knowledge and prevention of these diseases are important to those who wish to save lives and decrease suffering.
The stages to decrease loss of life taken by U.S. Government Institutions are: Prevention, Diagnosis, and once inflicted with a disease, treatment. It is so important to be able to treat people who are far enough into a disease that it risks their life, though prevention and diagnosis of these diseases can in theory, save even more lives. Prevention and Diagnosis offers people salvation from these diseases at all happening in the first place, individually or within a population.
Information and Motivation are the largest categories of prevention.
Making information on these diseases visible to the population through media, marketing, posters, articles, prints on buses, ect, are good ways to share how dangerous the diseases are. These pieces of information can also include what in a persons life causes or prevents the disease.
Social and Professional Motivation is what will get people moving, going for that walk with friends, ordering the healthier meal on that day out, talking about what groceries to get, or how many miles they walked this week. Whether with friends, family, or a doctor, talking about it, is what will make a change happen within anyone or any population.
Accessibility and Technology are the largest categories of diagnosis.
More people having access to doctors and screenings are what will catch diseases before they cause suffering pain or death. Whether it is more affordable care or more affordable health insurance, actually having access is a difficulty most of society has that allows them to fall into disease. Other than just being able to be screened for Heart Disease or Cancer, are what Technologies are being used in diagnosis to prevent the disease. Is it a cheap chinese made device, or a Quality Inspected U.S. made device. From ECG Systems to MRI Machines, so many of them are designed and built to be cheap, lacking in features that are so important in actually finding signs of disease.
Using the right technologies developed enough to find early signs of disease, and allowing for access to affordable health care, are a few pieces of the scientific industry that would make a major difference in reducing the number of those who suffer and die to otherwise preventable diseases. Diseases that take the lives of millions of Americans every year.
This Article was Written by Researchers at Nasiff Associates, Inc. A Medical Technology Company Specializing in Computer Cardio-Diagnostics. More Articles and Information on the Company can be found on the Website.
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