Truly Made in the USA
Designed and Manufactured in the United States for the benefit of the world.
All Nasiff Cardio-Diagnostic ECG Technologies are designed, manufactured, and supported in and from the USA. Nasiff does this in order to produce an All-American Product, made by All-American Jobs.
When Dr. Nasiff invented this technology, he made sure to share it. This was done to allow the world better access to an important and then newly more affordable technology. He did not outsource the manufacturing, but instead shared this improved new med-tech with the world.
Almost every other technology manufacturer, even the American owned companies, manufacture in other countries. This is done to pay workers less than what is required in the United States at the cost of American Jobs, Quality of Life, Quality of Working Environments, and the Quality of their Devices.
This takes money out of the country to pay other nations tax, pays only foreign workers, and allows for the neglection of the working environments in those foreign countries. The cost is that Americans no longer have access to these highly skilled jobs.
Helping countries in need can be an important thing, but if we put those that are tens of thousands of miles away, above those who live and work around us, it damages the place and the people that produce that support we wish to share with the rest of the world.
To me as an employee of a manufacturer, and Nasiff as a company, the fact that we build our technologies all from within this country is very important to us. We are proud to be an All-American Company, sharing with the world some of the most valued medical technologies, all while giving much of what we produce to life saving charities.
What technologies we choose is who we support, and Nasiff Supports You.
Stop the export of local jobs and support those who live around you.