What to Know about Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) is an irregular heart rhythm and type of arrhythmia. It can interrupt blood flow, causing palpitations, chest pain, and breathlessness. A-fib increases the risk of blood clots and stoke.
A-Fib doesn’t always produce symptoms, but when it does, a person may experience muscle spasms, chest pain, discomfort, and lightheadedness. As the most common clinical arrhythmia worldwide. The estimates suggest that it affects up to 3 percent of the western population aged 20 years and older.
People with A-Fib may also have a much faster heart rate than usual causing the heart to not pump blood around the body efficiently. Blood may collect, or pool, in the heart, which can increase the risk of clots.
When a person has A-Fib, electrical signals become distorted causing the atria to quiver. During the heartbeat the heart may not pump all the blood from the atria to the ventricles, and the blood flow does not follow the usual rhythm.
A person with an irregular heartbeat may not have symptoms, however recognizing and treating arrhythmias can prevent complications that can arise from the condition.
Cardio-Diagnostic Devices known as ECG Systems test heart rhythm. Heart Rate and Rhythm are produced visually so that a doctor is able to view and diagnose arrhythmia and even heart damage. These tests are crucial to finding early signs of A-Fib and other Heart Conditions, Complications, and Diseases.
Nasiff Associates, Inc. the Author of this article, is the inventing company of Computer Based ECG Systems. Dr. Nasiff produced the very first in the 1980’s and has continued to be an industry leader in cardio-diagnostic technologies. These technologies can be viewed on Nasiff.com https://nasiff.com/
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